“Bonsai is my passion”
Hector "Mulato" Melendez

Mulato's Signature in Japanese

Learn how to cultivate bonsai with Mulato
Mulato teaches how to cultivate high quality bonsai. In this course you will learn the basics about bonsai and it will help you start in this incredible ancient art. This course is aimed to every person who wants to learn basic and intermediate bonsai techniques. Spanish and English languages are available.
Take your bonsai skills to the next level
This is a great course when you know the basics of bonsai, but still want to learn more, to get to the next level.
In this course you will learn advanced techniques including advanced wiring, creating and maintaining deadwood, redesign bonsai, advanced cultivating techniques, planting over rock, prepare bonsais for exhibitions, and much more.
The lectures in this course contain step by step instructions, detailed videos and explained images, that will guide students and help them learn advanced techniques very fast.
If you want to become a better bonsai artist and get better at this art, then this course is for you.
Learning the Japanese Art of Beautiful Viewing and Appreciating Stones Created by Nature
Suiseki art, just like bonsai, was originated in Japan hundreds of years ago, and has refined with time. But you don't need to go to Japan to find a Suiseki stone. You can find stones very similar to the ones in Japan where you live, and convert them in Suiseki, the same way we do with bonsai.
We can find them in the form of mountains, human figures, animals, waterfalls, islands, lakes and more. And we find this rocks in beaches, rivers and in rocky terrain. In most cases, we find potential Suiseki stones in places where you can connect with nature, where you can find mental peace, away from the city.
Little things that magnify the soul